I love a mason jar. So simple in style but so big in stirring emotions. Crazy, right? But a mason jar offers this hard-to-put-in-words easy breezy cozy feeling of home. I seem to always sigh (sometimes silently and sometimes aloud) when I see one. It's almost magical and takes me to a sweet spot. What IS that?
Anyways, my over-sized mason jar is one of my favorite things in my kitchen. I was yard sale-ing with a friend and she spotted this aged jar with great delight. I then proceeded to also squeal in celebration but threatened, "If you put it down, I'm grabbing it!" She snagged it for $2...and I had mason jar envy the rest of the morning. Imagine that...over a mason jar! But here comes the happy ending: for my birthday 3 weeks later my girlfriend gave me a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers IN this prized possession. Now that's a good girlfriend to gift that find (she actually had the gift idea in the back of her head the whole time!)
Thank you, Susan!
Favorite thing #5
I don't like a lot of things on the counter so I suspended my mason jar off the kitchen windowsill.
Here's a pic holding hydrangeas from my yard...
My jar came with wire around the lip but if yours doesn't, just wrap picture hanging wire around it.
I used a drapery rod hook for the anchor.
Here's a collection of other favorite images and ideas for your next mason jar thrill...
Love lemons in any kind of glass bowl or vase. This, however, is glorious!
This is simply elegant for a wedding, party, or really part of your home decor any day.
Love love love this idea for any party occasion.
What a clean & fresh display for a coffee/sofa/entry table, nightstand, or bathroom.
You could stuff the jar with anything: colorful candy (like M&Ms, jelly beans or mini candy bars), paper confetti, marbles, coffee beans, anything! Obviously, this jar calls for artificial flowers!
Want to hang your mason jar? Here are two other great ideas:
Consider these other fun ideas for your mason jar:
- pens/crayons/chalk
- that loose change in your pocket
- random keys you're not sure what they belong to anymore but afraid to throw away
Do you love a mason jar as much as I do?